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Assuntos abordados: • TSM Overview • Value Chain Design • Process Flow • Process Management


Programa de Certificación para adquirir conocimientos y desarrollar habilidades para ejecutar proyectos disruptivos, para la reducción de costos, mejora del nivel de servicio, mejora de la Calidad, OEE, entre otros. Cambio cultural para la mejora continua todos los días, con todas las personas, en todos los lugares. Certificación válida en +45 países de los 5 continentes.


Adquirir conocimiento en Mejora Continua KAIZEN™ Lean, sus conceptos y herramientas, junto con desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo lean. Este programa ayuda a entender la importancia del cambio cultural hacia la transformación KAIZEN™ Lean en la organización y a aplicar herramientas avanzadas Nivel Black Belt para ejecutar proyectos disruptivos, para la reducción de costos, mejora del nivel de servicio, mejora de la Calidad, OEE, crecimiento rentable y sostenido, entre otros. Diplomado válido en +45 países de los 5 continentes


The "Lean Management of the Maintenance Area" course provides a deep understanding of waste in maintenance activities, aiming to improve these tasks to boost team productivity and equipment efficiency.


Assuntos abordados: • Qualidade no Ambiente Lean Overview • Implementação Ciclo SDCA • Resolução Estruturada de Problemas • Poka-Yoke


The "White Belt" training and certification provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and terminology associated with Lean Six Sigma. This qualification is suitable for individuals who may not be leading projects in this area but wish to be involved and understand the principles of Lean Six Sigma.


The training and certification for "Master Black Belt" represent the highest level of expertise in Lean Six Sigma. These leaders are experienced mentors who provide strategic guidance and technical support to Black and Green Belts. Master Black Belts play a fundamental role in implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the organization.


The training and certification for "Yellow Belt" provide a thorough understanding of the essential principles of Lean Six Sigma. Designed for professionals who want to contribute to projects actively, the Yellow Belt empowers participants to apply basic methodologies and tools, making them active members of Lean Six Sigma teams.


Nagy fluktuáció, generációs ellentétek, hozzáállási problémák, nincs megfelelő munkaerő, gyakran változik a termékportfólió vagy a munkafolyamat. Szinte minden vállalat hasonló problémákkal küzd, így sohasem volt olyan fontos a betanítás, mint épp manapság. Nem mindegy, hogy az új munkavállaló mennyi idő alatt és milyen minőségben tanulja meg a feladatát. A meglévő dolgozók mennyire rugalmasan tudnak alkalmazkodni a folyton változó vevői igényekre, a technológia, eszközök, anyagok változására. A workshop betekintést nyújt bevált betanítási módszerekbe és technikákba, a trénerek és csoportvezetők feladatába, valamint a tanuló környezet kialakításába.


O curso Otimização e Organização dos Serviços ajuda a melhorar os processos transacionais e o serviço ao cliente, impactando na produtividade, qualidade e prazos de resposta.


Il training ti supporterà nel trasformare un "normale" flusso di produzione in un "flusso di produzione ad alte performance"


Trasformare un flusso logistico tradizionale in una vera e propria "fabbrica logistica", con chiari indicatori di performance ed un concreto piano di miglioramento. Questo training ti darà gli strumenti e le conoscenze per impostare il flusso logistico interno ed aumentare il livello di servizio alla produzione e l’efficienza della logistica.


The training and certification for "Yellow Belt" provide a thorough understanding of the essential principles of Lean Six Sigma. Designed for professionals who want to contribute to projects actively, the Yellow Belt empowers participants to apply basic methodologies and tools, making them active members of Lean Six Sigma teams.


O curso Otimização da Produção ajuda na gestão das cadeias de abastecimento através do modelo de criação de fluxo Just In Time que integra a Logística com o Planeamento da Produção.


Yritysten kestävyysraportointi - koulutuksessa käydään läpi kestävyysraportointi- direktiivin taustaa sekä olennaisia vaatimuksia. Vastuullisuusraportointi on prosessi, jossa yritys kommunikoi julkisesti toimintansa vaikutuksista ympäristöön, sosiaalisiin näkökohtiin ja taloudelliseen kestävyyteen. Uusi kestävyysraportointidirektiivi CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) tekee kestävyysraportoinnista pakollista entistä suuremmalle määrälle yrityksiä, alkaen suurista ja laajentuen 2026 myös pienempiin listattuihin yrityksiin. Direktiivi tulee haastamaan myös muita kuin raportointivelvollisia yrityksiä, joiden tulee olla valmiita antamaan kestävyystietoja suuremmille yrityskumppaneilleen.


KICL es una ATO (Accredited Training Association – Organización de Entrenamiento Acreditada) por la ISSSP (International Society of Six Sigma Professional – Sociedad Internacional de Profesionales Six Sigma), que es la organización líder que promueve los altos estándares y valores por los que opera Lean Six Sigma a nivel Mundial desde 1997. Certificación válida en +45 países de los 5 continentes, Certificada por la ISSSP. Six Sigma es una estrategia de gestión que busca, a través de métodos cuantitativos, lograr mejores resultados financieros al reducir la variabilidad y los costos de los procesos, además de la satisfacción del cliente y del consumidor. Certificación válida en +45 países de los 5 continentes


KICL es una ATO (Accredited Training Association – Organización de Entrenamiento Acreditada) por la ISSSP (International Society of Six Sigma Professional – Sociedad Internacional de Profesionales Six Sigma), que es la organización líder que promueve los altos estándares y valores por los que opera Lean Six Sigma a nivel Mundial desde 1997. El efectivo análisis de calidad consiste en encontrar la herramienta adecuada para el problema preciso. El propósito de este programa, es desarrollar las habilidades avanzadas de mejora continua y análisis de calidad utilizadas en la resolución de problemas Lean-Six Sigma, entrenando a los candidatos para poder identificar y liderar proyectos de mejora a nivel de Black Belt.


Hogyan vezessünk csapatokat KAIZEN™ szemléletben? Hogyan támogassuk, ösztönözzük a csapattagokat? Hogyan segítheti munkánkat a folyamatelemzés és a vizualizálás? Hogyan támogathatjuk a problémamegoldó csapatmunkát? Mi segíthet csapatunk munkájának nyomonkövetésében? Ezekre a kérdésekre találhat választ gyakorlatias tréningünk elvégzésével.


KAIZEN™ perusteet -seminaarissa tarkastellaan KAIZEN™:n keskeisiä periaatteita ja esitellään KAIZEN™ Muutoksenhallintamalli, joka luo pohjan jatkuvan parantamisen kulttuurin toteuttamiselle.


The 'Green Belt' training and certification are ideal for individuals aspiring to lead Lean Six Sigma projects. This program enhances knowledge in statistical analysis and advanced techniques, empowering Green Belts to spearhead process improvement projects and play a pivotal role in the practical implementation of Lean Six Sigma.


The training and certification for "Black Belt" are designed for Lean Six Sigma experts capable of leading complex improvement projects. With advanced knowledge in statistics and Lean Six Sigma methodologies, Black Belts play a central role in identifying and resolving critical problems.


Participants will learn and practice further KAIZEN™ / Lean tools and methods to systematically reduce losses and waste (for example line stops and set-up times) and prevent errors. The participants learn how to work on zero-line principles and support the zero-defect philosophy in their own company.


A résztvevők megismerik a KAIZEN™/Lean eredetét, alapjait és filozófiáját. Gyakorlatok és gyárlátogatás során erősíthetik meg a veszteségtudatos gondolkodásukat. Módszereket sajátítanak el, amelyek segítségével szisztematikusan meg tudják szüntetni a felismert veszteségeket. 


The training and certification for "Black Belt" are designed for Lean Six Sigma experts capable of leading complex improvement projects. With advanced knowledge in statistics and Lean Six Sigma methodologies, Black Belts play a central role in identifying and resolving critical problems.


The 'Green Belt' training and certification are ideal for individuals aspiring to lead Lean Six Sigma projects. This program enhances knowledge in statistical analysis and advanced techniques, empowering Green Belts to spearhead process improvement projects and play a pivotal role in the practical implementation of Lean Six Sigma.


O curso Gestão de Eventos introduz um framework para transformar processos de negócio seguindo uma abordagem universal que começa com uma análise profunda do value stream.


Az IT Teljeskörű Szolgáltatás Menedzsment (IT TSM) tréning résztvevői az IT területen tapasztalt kihívások hatékony kezelését gyakorolhatják. A hatékony IT szolgáltatás szemléletében megtapasztalják a digitális képességek folyamatos fejlesztésének hasznosságát és észszerű megközelítését. Iránymutatást kapnak az IT szolgáltatás hozzáadott értékének meghatározásához és növeléséhez. Az IT terület veszteségtípusait be tudják azonosítani, amelyek szisztematikus megszüntetésével az IT szolgáltatások rugalmasságát, költségeit és elérhetőségét javítani tudják saját munkakörnyezetükben, ezáltal szervezetük működésének javítását érik el, hiszen nincs olyan szervezeti egység, amelyben az IT szolgáltatás ne lenne jelentőségteljes szerepvállaló. Eredmény és folyamat mérőszámok kialakításával, monitorozásával és KAIZEN™ szemléletű problémamegoldással az IT szolgáltatások stabilabbá válnak, miközben a változásokra időben és eredményesen reagálni tudnak.


Yritysten kestävyysraportointi - koulutuksessa käydään läpi kestävyysraportointi- direktiivin taustaa sekä olennaisia vaatimuksia. Vastuullisuusraportointi on prosessi, jossa yritys kommunikoi julkisesti toimintansa vaikutuksista ympäristöön, sosiaalisiin näkökohtiin ja taloudelliseen kestävyyteen. Uusi kestävyysraportointidirektiivi CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) tekee kestävyysraportoinnista pakollista entistä suuremmalle määrälle yrityksiä, alkaen suurista ja laajentuen 2026 myös pienempiin listattuihin yrityksiin. Direktiivi tulee haastamaan myös muita kuin raportointivelvollisia yrityksiä, joiden tulee olla valmiita antamaan kestävyystietoja suuremmille yrityskumppaneilleen.


The "Change Management & Business Transformation" course provides a comprehensive understanding of how to organize the company for continuous improvement using an effective change management model.


KAIZEN™ is not limited to the use of diverse methods, but is about cultural change. Participants learn what this cultural change looks like and how Management or KAIZEN™ coordinators can influence the change process.


O curso Gestão de Projetos apresenta uma metodologia para entrega de projetos de forma rápida e eficiente através de uma série de fases para alcançar a satisfação do cliente.


Il training “Fondamenti Kaizen” permette di partire subito a migliorare coinvolgendo le persone, in produzione e negli uffici. Durante la giornata avrai modo di conoscere KAIZEN, i suoi concetti fondamentali, i suoi strumenti e la loro applicazione alla tua realtà lavorativa.


KAIZEN™ is based on the science of work, but the professional guidance of the KAIZEN™ process plays a key role. This is about more than just methods. The participants learn to enable employees in the KAIZEN™ process and to lead and to successfully develop themselves and other employees and their processes. With theory and practical exercises, the participants learn the procedure of continuously developing employees and successful sustainment of the KAIZEN™ process.


L'obiettivo del training è aumentare le performance della supply chain attraverso il miglioramento della sincronizzazione di fornitori, logistica interna e pianificazione. Dimensionamento ed organizzazione dello stock mirato alle "classi di servizio".


The training and certification for "Master Black Belt" represent the highest level of expertise in Lean Six Sigma. These leaders are experienced mentors who provide strategic guidance and technical support to Black and Green Belts. Master Black Belts play a fundamental role in implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the organization.


The 'Green Belt' training and certification are ideal for individuals aspiring to lead Lean Six Sigma projects. This program enhances knowledge in statistical analysis and advanced techniques, empowering Green Belts to spearhead process improvement projects and play a pivotal role in the practical implementation of Lean Six Sigma.


O seminário de Fundamentos permite compreender os princípios KAIZEN™ e apresenta o ModeloKAIZEN™ de Gestão da Mudança que permite a implementação de uma Cultura de Melhoria Contínua.


Besprechung des Prüfungsablaufs, Multiple Choice Test, Schriftliche Einzelaufgabe , Ausarbeitung eines Teamprojektes, Präsentation des Teamprojektes , Bewertung des Teamprojektes durch die Prüfungskommission , Präsentation der Ergebnisse


- Explanation of the examination procedure - Multiple choice test - Written individual task - Preparation and presentation of a team project - Evaluation of the team project by the examination board - Short presentation of the KAIZEN™ Manager project work - Presentation of results


The "White Belt" training and certification provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and terminology associated with Lean Six Sigma. This qualification is suitable for individuals who may not be leading projects in this area but wish to be involved and understand the principles of Lean Six Sigma.


The "Lean Project Management" course is designed to assist companies in improving their project management processes. The goal is to minimize the risks associated with projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within the specified budget, and fully meeting the defined quality requirements.


Este curso aborda os benefícios de Data & Analytics, desenvolvendo um conjunto de competências e ferramentas que são fundamentais para atingir os objetivos estratégicos das organizações.


This interactive classroom course introduces the foundations of KAIZEN™ as applied within teams. It presents the KAIZEN™ principles underpinning an organisation-wide culture of operational excellence and highlights how foundational Continuous Improvements methods, tools and techniques are applied to fulfill a KAIZEN™ strategy.


The training and certification for "Black Belt" are designed for Lean Six Sigma experts capable of leading complex improvement projects. With advanced knowledge in statistics and Lean Six Sigma methodologies, Black Belts play a central role in identifying and resolving critical problems.


The training and certification for "Yellow Belt" provide a thorough understanding of the essential principles of Lean Six Sigma. Designed for professionals who want to contribute to projects actively, the Yellow Belt empowers participants to apply basic methodologies and tools, making them active members of Lean Six Sigma teams.


Il Daily KAIZEN™ Impianti è il training ideato per imparare a sostenere il miglioramento in un contesto produttivo basato su tecnologie e impianti.


Az anyag- és információáramlást hogyan mérhetjük fel és vizualizálhatjuk annak érdekében, hogy megtervezzük a fejlesztéseket.


The 'Green Belt' training and certification are ideal for individuals aspiring to lead Lean Six Sigma projects. This program enhances knowledge in statistical analysis and advanced techniques, empowering Green Belts to spearhead process improvement projects and play a pivotal role in the practical implementation of Lean Six Sigma.


The "White Belt" training and certification provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and terminology associated with Lean Six Sigma. This qualification is suitable for individuals who may not be leading projects in this area but wish to be involved and understand the principles of Lean Six Sigma.


The training and certification for "Yellow Belt" provide a thorough understanding of the essential principles of Lean Six Sigma. Designed for professionals who want to contribute to projects actively, the Yellow Belt empowers participants to apply basic methodologies and tools, making them active members of Lean Six Sigma teams.


A résztvevők a képzés elvégzésével megismerik a Just-in-Time filozófia céljait és módszereit. Megtanulják az értéklánc folyamatait szisztematikusan elemezni és a vevői igények alapján vezérelt, optimális működést kialakítani. A tanult módszerek alkalmazásával képesek lesznek a mindig gyorsabban változó vevői elvárásokhoz igazodva a megfelelő folyamat fejlesztéseket végrehajtani. Lehetővé válik számukra, hogy a folyamatos áramlású, húzó alapelvű gyártási rendszer víziója szerint alakítsák ki eljárásaikat, a folyamatok minőségének javítása mellett.


A Lean környezetben végzett vezetői munkával szemben támasztott követelmények az utóbbi évtizedben jelentősen megváltoztak. A tréning résztvevői megtanulják, hogy hogyan kommunikáljanak a Gembán annak érdekében, hogy a beavatkozási reakció idő lecsökkenjen, a problémák megoldása felgyorsuljon, az információ hatékonyabban áramoljon.


O curso Otimização da Produção ajuda na gestão das cadeias de abastecimento através do modelo de criação de fluxo Just In Time que integra a Logística com o Planeamento da Produção.


Il training “Fondamenti Kaizen” permette di partire subito a migliorare coinvolgendo le persone, in produzione e negli uffici. Durante la giornata avrai modo di conoscere KAIZEN, i suoi concetti fondamentali, i suoi strumenti e la loro applicazione alla tua realtà lavorativa.


Zero Difetti è il training per applicare gli strumenti del miglioramento continuo alla qualità nel flusso di produzione in azienda. Il traguardo è la qualità assoluta, la perfetta rispondenza ai requisiti del cliente


The training and certification for "Master Black Belt" represent the highest level of expertise in Lean Six Sigma. These leaders are experienced mentors who provide strategic guidance and technical support to Black and Green Belts. Master Black Belts play a fundamental role in implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the organization.


The 'Green Belt' training and certification are ideal for individuals aspiring to lead Lean Six Sigma projects. This program enhances knowledge in statistical analysis and advanced techniques, empowering Green Belts to spearhead process improvement projects and play a pivotal role in the practical implementation of Lean Six Sigma.


O curso de Gestão de Equipas potencia a gestão e melhoria diária nas equipas com especial enfoque no papel do Líder.


The "Change Management & Business Transformation" course provides a comprehensive understanding of how to organize the company for continuous improvement using an effective change management model.


The training and certification for "Yellow Belt" provide a thorough understanding of the essential principles of Lean Six Sigma. Designed for professionals who want to contribute to projects actively, the Yellow Belt empowers participants to apply basic methodologies and tools, making them active members of Lean Six Sigma teams.


The training and certification for "Black Belt" are designed for Lean Six Sigma experts capable of leading complex improvement projects. With advanced knowledge in statistics and Lean Six Sigma methodologies, Black Belts play a central role in identifying and resolving critical problems.


Il training ti supporterà nel trasformare un "normale" flusso di produzione in un "flusso di produzione ad alte performance"


The "White Belt" training and certification provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and terminology associated with Lean Six Sigma. This qualification is suitable for individuals who may not be leading projects in this area but wish to be involved and understand the principles of Lean Six Sigma.


Trasformare un flusso logistico tradizionale in una vera e propria "fabbrica logistica", con chiari indicatori di performance ed un concreto piano di miglioramento. Questo training ti darà gli strumenti e le conoscenze per impostare il flusso logistico interno ed aumentare il livello di servizio alla produzione e l’efficienza della logistica.


The "Lean Project Management" course is designed to assist companies in improving their project management processes. The goal is to minimize the risks associated with projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within the specified budget, and fully meeting the defined quality requirements.


The 'Green Belt' training and certification are ideal for individuals aspiring to lead Lean Six Sigma projects. This program enhances knowledge in statistical analysis and advanced techniques, empowering Green Belts to spearhead process improvement projects and play a pivotal role in the practical implementation of Lean Six Sigma.


Hogyan lehet a mindennapjainkat a munkahelyen veszteségmentessé tenni a szolgáltató szektorban, úgy hogy az ügyfél és a munkavállalói elégedettség, ezáltal a folyamat hozzáadott értéke növekedjen? Mit jelent a Kaizen/Lean filozófia, gondolkodásmód a nem termelői folyamatokban? Ezekre a kérdésekre a résztvevők gyakorlatokon keresztül és esettanulmányok segítségével választ kapnak. Kaizen/Lean módszerek kipróbálására és megvalósításokra nyílik lehetőség ezen a tréningen. Megtanulják a résztvevők saját munkafolyamataik fejlesztését, valamint az együttműködés hatékonyságának megteremtését. Értékteremtő folyamatokat megcélozva képesek lesznek strukturáltabban, szervezettebben végezni munkájukat, autonóm csapatmunkában fejleszteni folyamatukat.


O curso Otimização da Manutenção foca-se na melhoria da eficiência dos equipamentos e respetiva manutenção através do modelo de otimização integrada da Manutenção com a Produção - Total Productive Maintenance.


Il Training Within Industry è pensato per mettere chiunque in condizione di saper insegnare un’attività aumentando la polivalenza degli operatori


The training and certification for "Black Belt" are designed for Lean Six Sigma experts capable of leading complex improvement projects. With advanced knowledge in statistics and Lean Six Sigma methodologies, Black Belts play a central role in identifying and resolving critical problems.


O curso Otimização das Operações Logísticas apresenta técnicas para otimizar operações logísticas, contribuindo para o aumento da rentabilidade dos processos de armazenagem e transporte.


The "White Belt" training and certification provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and terminology associated with Lean Six Sigma. This qualification is suitable for individuals who may not be leading projects in this area but wish to be involved and understand the principles of Lean Six Sigma.


The training and certification for "Master Black Belt" represent the highest level of expertise in Lean Six Sigma. These leaders are experienced mentors who provide strategic guidance and technical support to Black and Green Belts. Master Black Belts play a fundamental role in implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the organization.


The "Lean Management of the Maintenance Area" course provides a deep understanding of waste in maintenance activities, aiming to improve these tasks to boost team productivity and equipment efficiency.


The "Lean Project Management" course is designed to assist companies in improving their project management processes. The goal is to minimize the risks associated with projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within the specified budget, and fully meeting the defined quality requirements.


The training and certification for "Yellow Belt" provide a thorough understanding of the essential principles of Lean Six Sigma. Designed for professionals who want to contribute to projects actively, the Yellow Belt empowers participants to apply basic methodologies and tools, making them active members of Lean Six Sigma teams.


O curso Otimização da Produção ajuda na gestão das cadeias de abastecimento através do modelo de criação de fluxo Just In Time que integra a Logística com o Planeamento da Produção.


A KAIZEN™ elsősorban nem a különböző módszerek használatát jelenti, hanem kultúraváltást. A résztvevők a tréning során megismerik a kultúraváltás előnyeit és megértik, megtapasztalhatják a kultúraváltás folyamata során fellépő kihívásokat. Másokat vezető munkatársak, például a KAIZEN™ koordinátorok gyakorolni fogják a képzésen, hogy hogyan segíthetik, vezethetik ezt a változási folyamatot.


The training and certification for "Black Belt" are designed for Lean Six Sigma experts capable of leading complex improvement projects. With advanced knowledge in statistics and Lean Six Sigma methodologies, Black Belts play a central role in identifying and resolving critical problems.


The "Lean Manufacturing" training empowers professionals and companies to optimize production and internal logistics through the Just-In-Time model, efficiently integrating Logistics, Planning, and Production.


O curso Gestão de Projetos apresenta uma metodologia para entrega de projetos de forma rápida e eficiente através de uma série de fases para alcançar a satisfação do cliente.


Il training “Fondamenti Kaizen” permette di partire subito a migliorare coinvolgendo le persone, in produzione e negli uffici. Durante la giornata avrai modo di conoscere KAIZEN, i suoi concetti fondamentali, i suoi strumenti e la loro applicazione alla tua realtà lavorativa.


L’apertura di nuovi uffici e di nuove filiali all’estero è una realtà sempre più comune per le aziende, in un contesto competitivo caratterizzato dall’accelerazione costante e dalla velocità del cambiamento. Questo è vero specialmente per le grandi aziende con molto lavoro d’ufficio, per le società di servizi, per hotel e operatori del comparto ricettivo e della ristorazione, per stazioni ferroviarie e aeroporti, cooperative, grande distribuzione organizzata e retail. Questa tendenza si traduce nello sviluppo di nuovi progetti finalizzati a servire nuovi mercati: anche questi processi hanno bisogno di essere semplificati e resi più veloci. Sviluppare le competenze per gestire il miglioramento continuo in ottica KAIZEN™ aiuta ad affrontare al meglio l’accelerazione imposta dal mercato.


The "Lean Manufacturing" training empowers professionals and companies to optimize production and internal logistics through the Just-In-Time model, efficiently integrating Logistics, Planning, and Production.


O seminário de Fundamentos permite compreender os princípios KAIZEN™ e apresenta o Modelo KAIZEN™ de Gestão da Mudança que permite a implementação de uma Cultura de Melhoria Contínua.


Questo training, basato su approcci innovativi, cambia la capacità dei partecipanti di affrontare progetti di varia complessità applicando i principi KAIZEN™ per un project management in continuo movimento.


The training and certification for "Master Black Belt" represent the highest level of expertise in Lean Six Sigma. These leaders are experienced mentors who provide strategic guidance and technical support to Black and Green Belts. Master Black Belts play a fundamental role in implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the organization.

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